A Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Location Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet

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Rodrigo Linfati https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7659-383X
John Willmer Escobar
Gustavo Gatica https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1816-6856


Location Routing Problem, Heterogeneous Fleet, Granular Tabu Search, Metaheuristic Algorithms.


This paper considers the Location-Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet (LRPH), in which the aim is to determine the depots to be opened, the customers to be assigned to each open depot, and the routes to be performed to fulfill the demand of the customers by considering a heterogeneous fleet with different capacities and associated costs. The objective is to minimize the sum of the cost of the open depots, of the used vehicle costs, and of the variable costs related with the distance traveled by the performed routes. In this paper, it is proposed a metaheuristic algorithm based on a granular tabu search to solve the LRPH. Computational experiments on adapted benchmark instances from the literature show that the proposed approach is able to obtain, within short computing times, high quality solutions illustrating its effectiveness.

 MSC: 68Qxx; 68W40


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