Need for Review of the Loads and Partial Safety Factors of the NSR-10 for the Design of Structures to Withstand Wind Effects

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Orlando Daniel Arroyo Amell
Lilibeth Ramos Castillo


structural reliability, calibration of partial safety factors, reliability index, design codes, wind loads, NSR-10


This article discusses the need for review of the partial safety factors, as well as the design wind speeds for wind loads provided by the NSR-10. By using reliability methods and available information about the wind speed in Colombia, it is shown that the designs obtained by using the partial safety factors and wind hazard map of Colombia prescribed by the NSR-10 lack uniformity on its security level (reliability index). It is also proven that it is not possible to find a partial safety factor for winds loads capable of ensuring uniformity on the safety level of structures when used with the wind map of current legislation. Finally, technical and socioeconomical considerations are given in favor of a joint review of wind speed and partial safety factors, more consistent with wind characteristics and the socioeconomical situation in Colombia.


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