CWLFM high range resolution radar for ISAR imaging without motion compensation

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Alberto Asensio López
Javier Gismero Menoyo
Javier Carretero Moya
Alvaro Blanco del Campo


CWLFM, radar images, ISAR, doppler, ships, motion compensation


Over the last years new radar systems uses have been arisen, both civil and military field. These further uses demand more data about the radar targets. Up to now, was enough to know its location, rough velocity and an approximate motion direction, even though, now there is a growing need of security and control, which requires higher accuracy measuring these targets’s characteristics, even to obtain a “radar image” trying to classify or identify it.This article explains how to obtain ISAR radar images, especially using a Continuous Wave Linear Frequency Modulated Radar (CWLFM), not only in a theoretical way but also showing the results achieved in a lot of different experiments made during a four years research–project sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, emphasizing the high quality of the images obtained, and also, that any kind of control or collaboration was expected from the target. Making the result more important from a practical point of view, opening up much more possible applications to radar systems.

PACS: 84.40.Xb

MSC: 65T50


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