Densification of PZN-10PT ceramics from powders obtained by the combustion reaction synthesis

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C F V. Raigoza
J A Eiras
Ruth H Kiminami
Ducinei Garcia


PZNPT, perovskite phase, combustion synthesis, dilatometry.


((1-x)Pb(Zn1=3Nb2=3)O3-xPbTiO3-PZN-xPT) single crystals with perovskite structure near to the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), x_0; 09, exhibit unusual large dielectric and piezoelectric constants. Preparation of PZN-PT ceramics with composition near to the MPB using conventional methods leads to ceramics with pyrochlore structure. In this paper, ((1 - x)Pb(Zn1=3Nb2=3)O3-xPbTiO3-PZN-xPT) powders with x= 0; 10 were synthetized by the combustion reaction method. CO(NH2)2, C2H5NO2, CO(NH2)2=C2H5NO2 y C4H16N6O2 were used as fuels. Results show that a máximum of 70% of perovskite phase was obtained using CO(NH2)2= C2H5NO2 (in relation 50=50). The afore mentioned phase is preserved when sintering the sample at 1000_C, during 4h on nitrogen atmosphere.

MSC: 74E15, 74E40, 74N15

PACS: 80.81


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