Determination of ceramic microstructure by using optical–digital image processing of SEM images

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Oscar García Palencia
Leonairo Pencue
Cristian Villacrez Pastas


SEM microscopy, particle size, image processing


This paper reports the design and implementation of software to ceramographic analysis and quality control in materials science, through image study obtained by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), of samples polished surface of different ceramics systems. The system is supported on optics-digital image processing to determine: the size of each grain and pore, it roundness and eccentricity as shape factor. This work stands out the use of more efficient techniques of adaptive filtering and edge detection, to the calculus realization for the particle size with high precision, compared with traditional methods encapsulated inside the norms ASTM E112 and E1382. The most outstanding results of this analysis, as the possible application of this system in other investigation areas such as granulometry, oil exploration, geotechnical engineering and thin films are presented in this paper, with superior effectiveness with other commercial software.

PACS: 42.30.Va, 81.20.Ev

MSC: 68U10, 65D19


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