
Hepatitis C virus dynamics with viral load and T killer cells and hepatic damage monitoring without liver biopsies

Justino Alavez-Ramírez, Jorge López López
Abstract 950 | PDF (Español) Downloads 266

Page 9-33

Microdeformation measurement of concrete roadway slabs using fiber Bragg gratings

Francisco Javier Vélez Hoyos, Claudia Milena Serpa Imbet, Nelson Darío Gómez Cardona
Abstract 1095 | PDF (Español) Downloads 354

Page 35-45

Conformal transformation for prescribing scalar curvature on sphere

Claudia Granados-Pinzón, Wilson Olaya-León
Abstract 660 | PDF (Español) Downloads 272

Page 47-56

Determination of ceramic microstructure by using optical–digital image processing of SEM images

Oscar García Palencia, Leonairo Pencue, Cristian Villacrez Pastas
Abstract 719 | PDF (Español) Downloads 324

Page 57-73

Sand as thermoluminescent dosimeter to therapeutic doses

Daniel Ricaurte, Juana Salcedo, Rafael Cogollo
Abstract 750 | PDF (Español) Downloads 255

Page 75-90

Simulation of mechanical properties of Zr/ZrN and TiN/ZrN multilayers using the finite elements method

H. D. Aristizábal–Soto, L. C. Agudelo, C. M. Bedoya Hincapié, E. Restrepo Parra
Abstract 1198 | PDF (Español) Downloads 297

Page 91-104

Review of the state of art of IR-Ultra-Wideband and simulation of Impulse Responce of the IEEE 802.15.4a channel

Julio Suárez Páez, Gonzalo Llano Ramírez
Abstract 1172 | PDF (Español) Downloads 324

Page 105-127

Role of water in maize starch gelatinization: an study by Differential Scanning Calorimetry

P. Pineda–Gómez, D F Coral, M. L. Arciniegas, A. Rorales Rivera, M. E. Rodríguez García
Abstract 1473 | PDF (Español) Downloads 844

Page 129-141

Over the non-extensivity parameter for some superadditives systems

R. Borja–Tamayo, C. Cartagena Marín, Gabriel Ignacio Loaiza Ossa, G. Molina Vélez, María Eugenia Puerta Yepes
Abstract 674 | PDF (Español) Downloads 249

Page 143-158

Growth, structure and friction behavior of the nanocomposite hard coatings WS2-Ti

Thomas W. Scharf, Federico Sequeda Osorio, Juan Manuel González Carmona, Alexander Ruden, Johan Restrepo
Abstract 809 | PDF (Español) Downloads 264

Page 159-176