Hepatitis C virus dynamics with viral load and T killer cells and hepatic damage monitoring without liver biopsies

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Justino Alavez-Ramírez
Jorge López López


hepatitis C, viral load, cytotoxic T cells, threshold parameter, parameter estimation.


In this work is shown the possibility to predict the stage of a person infected by hepatitis C virus, and the monitoring of the viral load and hepatic damage, without liver biopsies. This is done by numerically estimating the parameters of a mathematical model involving four populations (uninfected liver cells, infected liver cells, viral load and T killer cells) and using a few measurements of viral load and T killer cells. Also, is shown that the influence of the T killer cells population is insignificant in this process, concluding that measurements of viral load and the reduced model of three populations (uninfected liver cells, infected liver cells and viral load) is enough to predict the evolution of an infected person.

PACS: 87.19.xd, 87.55.kd

MSC: 93A30


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