Simulation of mechanical properties of Zr/ZrN and TiN/ZrN multilayers using the finite elements method

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H. D. Aristizábal–Soto
L. C. Agudelo
C. M. Bedoya Hincapié
E. Restrepo Parra


Zr/ZrN, TiN/ZrN, ANSYS, mechanical properties, finite elements.


In this work mechanical properties of Zr/ZrN and TiN/ZrN multilayers varying the bilayerd number in 1, 2, 5 and 10, that is, multilayer periods of 2, 1, 0.4 y 0.2 μm, with thickness constant of 2 μm in a ratio 1:1 y 1:3 were studied. For the simulation the ANSYS software was employed, based on the finite elements method. Strain–stress curves, the hardness and Young’s Modulus were obtained as function of the bilayer numbers. According, the analysis carried out, the TiN/ZrN bilayers with 1:3 ratio presented the highest hardness (31±1 GPa) regarding the others and a Young’s modulus approximately of 460 GPa. Results obtained from the mechanical properties simulations of materials |based on Ti and Zr, by using methods like finite elements are promising in the new materials field, in order to predict their performance in industrial and technological applications as hard coatings grown on several tools and machine pieces and from this way reducing the production costs. Moreover, simulations presented in this work can be extended to systems composed by other materials with great utilization.

PACS: 47.11.Fg, 73.21.Ac, 87.15.La, 81.40.Lm, 81.70.Bt, 81.70.Pg

MSC: 76M10


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