Mechanical and thermal properties optimization of a synthetic agglomerate by using the Taguchi Method

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C. M. Bedoya Hincapié
P. Pineda–Gómez
A. Rosales Rivera


agglomerate, rice husk, vegetable fibers, thermal stability, mechanical properties


In this work, the experimental design of Taguchi model was applied in order to obtain the most appropriate parameters to elaborate an agglomerate material which presents a good mechanical and thermal behavior. The raw materials used were rice husk, common clay, sand and aloe gel. The importance of the development of the synthetic agglomerates is in the use of agricultural wastes to give them an useful employment when replacing materials of great demand. The experimental combinations were done varying the control factors values: rice husk percentage (R), temperature (T) and thermal treatment time(t). Via to the optimization properties according Taguchi’s Methodology, the elasticity modulus, the absorbed energy in the impact, break maximum module and initial decomposition temperature to each experimental combination were selected. The Qualitek-4 software was used below the biggest the better quality characteristic. The optimum parameters obtained to each control level were: R = 15%, T = 120oC and t = 3 h. These results were confirmed with a new experiment, where similar properties to the wood species were obtained. The developing of this will be useful as substitute of the wood and could improve the environment impact due residual materials.

PACS: 88.30.mj, 81.70.Bt, 82.35.Pq

MSC: 91B82


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