
The relation between Puelche wind and the occurrence of forest fires in Bío Bío region, Chile

Juan Carlos Inzunza
Abstract 1049 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1785

Page 33-48

Characterization of physical parameters of the terminals of container of Spanish harbor system

Nicoletta González-Cancelas, Alberto Camarero Orive
Abstract 1247 | PDF (Español) Downloads 472

Page 49-74

Job Shop problem solution with an intelligent agent

Omar Danilo Castrillón, Jaime Alberto Giraldo, William Ariel Sarache
Abstract 1540 | PDF (Español) Downloads 3190

Page 75-92

Product of independent random variables involving inverted hypergeometric function type I variables

Edwin Zarrazola, Daya Krishna Nagar
Abstract 1137 | PDF Downloads 842

Page 93-106

Model Bone of Komarova Implementation for the sensitivity study of the process of remodelling bony before changes in local factors

Aldemar Fonseca-Velásquez, Diego Alexander Garzón–Alvarado
Abstract 789 | PDF (Español) Downloads 919

Page 107-132

Finite Element Modeling of Composite Materials using Kinematic Constraints

Oscar E. Ruiz, Merlin Barschke, David Uribe, Jens Jensen, Carlos López
Abstract 1057 | PDF Downloads 4207

Page 133-154

Mechanical and thermal properties optimization of a synthetic agglomerate by using the Taguchi Method

C. M. Bedoya Hincapié, P. Pineda–Gómez, A. Rosales Rivera
Abstract 1009 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1189

Page 155-170

Approximated solution of differentials mixed systems

Jorge I. Castaño–Bedoya, Orlando García–Jaimes, José A. Sánchez–Cano
Abstract 506 | PDF (Español) Downloads 517

Page 171-182