Characterization of physical parameters of the terminals of container of Spanish harbor system

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Nicoletta González-Cancelas
Alberto Camarero Orive


spanish port system, container terminals, port planning and operation, physical parameters of operation of seaports, port operating ratios


The widespread use of management and operating ratios taken from international literature that do not conform to the reality of the Spanish port system makes it difficult to plan and manage the operation of Spanish container terminals. This is due to the lack of characterization of the physical parameters of the container terminals necessary for the operation. Container terminals in the Spanish port system is very heterogeneous and can not be characterized from international operating ratios, so we need a proper study to obtain general Spanish stage container port. The contribution of this article in the field of exploitation is characterized port Spanish container terminals port system from the values taken physical parameters (depth, size, number of cranes, etc´etera). Basic operation of a terminal, allowing to know the reality of the Spanish port system. This study allows us to characterize, at present, the main physical parameters of operation of container terminals by establishing a management and operating ratios own reality characteristic of the port system in Spain that no previous study reported to date.

PACS: 89.40.-a

MSC: 62-07, 90B06


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