One hundred and fyfty years of combustion of fossil hydrocarbons: the emergent alternatives
Abstract 1626 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1176Page 11-32
The relation between Puelche wind and the occurrence of forest fires in Bío Bío region, Chile
Abstract 1064 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1797Page 33-48
Characterization of physical parameters of the terminals of container of Spanish harbor system
Abstract 1264 | PDF (Español) Downloads 474Page 49-74
Job Shop problem solution with an intelligent agent
Abstract 1549 | PDF (Español) Downloads 3194Page 75-92
Product of independent random variables involving inverted hypergeometric function type I variables
Abstract 1149 | PDF Downloads 856Page 93-106
Model Bone of Komarova Implementation for the sensitivity study of the process of remodelling bony before changes in local factors
Abstract 797 | PDF (Español) Downloads 922Page 107-132
Finite Element Modeling of Composite Materials using Kinematic Constraints
Abstract 1068 | PDF Downloads 4220Page 133-154
Mechanical and thermal properties optimization of a synthetic agglomerate by using the Taguchi Method
Abstract 1014 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1205Page 155-170
Approximated solution of differentials mixed systems
Abstract 516 | PDF (Español) Downloads 519Page 171-182