Model Bone of Komarova Implementation for the sensitivity study of the process of remodelling bony before changes in local factors

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Aldemar Fonseca-Velásquez
Diego Alexander Garzón–Alvarado


remodeling, compact bone, bone metastasis, osteoclast, osteoblast, osteoprotegerin, PTH, TGF


In this article the cellular level model of bone remodeling implementation raised by Komarova is carried out, using like tool a functional block diagram. The objective of this implementation is to make an analysis of sensitivity with respect to the variation of the model parameters and to determine the influence of the paracrine and autocrine factors in the osteoclasts and osteoblasts formation. The model was implemented in the commercial package Simulink with Matlab R2007b. We found that each parameter has a rank of determined operation and that outside him, the stability is lost and they establish gains or losses of bony mass that can be attributed to systemics abnormalitys of the bones. This work constitutes an improve about bony remodeling thanks to, unlike previous works, it includes variations of the own parameters of the remodeling process that takes to possible alterations of the bony metabolism processes, which constitutes a departure point for the study of diseases and alterations of the density of the bone, and allows to start the modeled of new diseases related to the bones, like, the bone metastasis. Then, this study is an improve with respect to the works previously presented and can explain phenomena of metastasis, and metabolic alterations like the described ones in Manolagas work.

PACS: 87.85.gj


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