Over the non-extensivity parameter for some superadditives systems

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R. Borja–Tamayo
C. Cartagena Marín
Gabriel Ignacio Loaiza Ossa
G. Molina Vélez
María Eugenia Puerta Yepes


entropy, thermostatistics non expansive, super–additives systems


In this paper one introduces a bijective relation between the non–extensivity parameter q and the stationary probability density function f corresponding to an observable u for some super–additive systems for which the notion of Tsallis entropy applies. This relation is given as a comparison of linking functions characterizing memoryless of certain random variables associated to parameter q and the stationary density f. Then these results are used to formulate a method for approximating the parameter q based on an estimation of f, provided that the effective energy associated to u equals the effective kinetic energy.

PACS: 05.20.Jj , 05.70.Ce

MSC: 46N55, 28D20


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