Seismic Data compression using 2D Lifting-Wavelet algorithms

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Carlos Augusto Fajardo Ariza
Oscar Mauricio Reyes Torres
Ana Beatriz Ramirez Silva


seismic data compression, wavelet transform, lifting


Different seismic data compression algorithms have been developed in order to make the storage more efficient, and to reduce both the transmission time and cost. In general, those algorithms have three stages: transformation, quantization and coding. The Wavelet transform is highly used to compress seismic data, due to the capabilities of theWavelets on representing geophysical events in seismic data. We selected the lifting scheme to implement the Wavelet transform because it reduces both computational and storage resources. This work aims to determine how the transformation and the coding stages affect the data compression ratio. Several 2D lifting-based algorithms were implemented to compress three different seismic data sets. Experimental results obtained for different filter type, filter length, number of decomposition levels and coding scheme, are presented in this work.


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