Fabrication of Compressed Earth Blocks with the Addition of Construction and Demolition Debris Instead of the Conventional Rocky Aggregate

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Alejandro Vásquez Hernández https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1073-4038
Luis Fernando Botero Botero https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3418-7144
David Carvajal Arango


compressed earth block, construction and demolition waste, sustainability, cycle of materials, environmental impact, resources management


The present article suggests an alternative that contributes to give a step towards the continuos cycle of Recycling-Fabrication-Use-Recycling from considering the possibility of understating debris as a raw material for new processes, thus reducing the extraction of materials. To that end this article suggests the fabrication of compressed earth blocks from the use of the resulting earth from construction and demolition (C&D) debris as aggregates, this way substituting the use of traditional aggregates completely. Blocks with RCD addition comply with the physical and mechanical specifications established by the Colombian technical standard.


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