Efficient Software Implementation of the Nearly Optimal Sparse Fast Fourier Transform for the Noisy Case

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Alexander López-Parrado http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0274-6901
Jaime Velasco Medina http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4091-1055


Sparse Fourier Transform, multicore programming, computer cluster


In this paper we present an optimized software implementation (sFFT-4.0) of the recently developed Nearly Optimal Sparse Fast Fourier Transform (sFFT) algorithm for the noisy case. First, we developed a modified version of the Nearly Optimal sFFT algorithm for the noisy case, this modified algorithm solves the accuracy issues of the original version by modifying the flat window and the procedures; and second, we implemented the modified algorithm on a multicore platform composed of eight cores. The experimental results on the cluster indicate that the developed implementation is faster than direct calculation using FFTW library under certain conditions of sparseness and signal size, and it improves the execution times of previous implementations like sFFT-2.0. To the best knowledge of the authors, the developed implementation is the first one of the Nearly Optimal sFFT algorithm for the noisy case.

MSC: 65T50


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