A simple proof of Abel’s theorem on the lemniscate

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Leonardo Solanilla
Óscar Palacio
Uriel Hernández


Abel’s theorem on the lemniscate, Gauss lemniscatic functions, geometric constructions.


Since Abel’s original paper of 1827, his remarkable theorem on the constructibilityof the lemniscate splitting has been proven with the aid of Elliptic Functions. Nowadays, Rosen’s proof of 1981 is considered definitive. He also makesuse of (modern and more elaborate) Class Field Theory. Here we present anovel, short and simple proof of Abel’s Theorem on the lemniscate and itsconverse. Our only ingredients are the addition formulas of Gauss lemniscaticfunctions and some basic facts of Galois Theory.

MSC: 11J89, 33E05


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[1] C. F. Gauss. Disquisitiones Arithmeticæ, ISBN 958–92–05–15–1. Spanish translation by H. Barrantes, M. Josephy and A. Ruiz, Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Bogot´a, 1995. Originally published by Gerh. Fleischer, Leipzig, 1801.

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