
Local atractivity in zip bifurcation

Carlos Mario Escobar–Callejas, José Rodrigo González–Granada, Abel Enrique Posso Agudelo
Abstract 636 | PDF (Español) Downloads 247

Page 11-41

A simple proof of Abel’s theorem on the lemniscate

Leonardo Solanilla, Óscar Palacio, Uriel Hernández
Abstract 1025 | PDF Downloads 475

Page 43-49

Fraccional Fourier transform in the case of an inclined image plane

C O Torres, L Mattos, C Jiménez, Jaime Castillo Pérez, Y Torres
Abstract 678 | PDF (Español) Downloads 297

Page 51-64

Motion equation of a finite dynamic elastic plane lineal element plane lineal element

Américo G Hossne
Abstract 1611 | PDF (Español) Downloads 315

Page 65-80

Epistemic and doxastic logic with restrictions

Manuel Sierra A.
Abstract 871 | PDF (Español) Downloads 377

Page 81-115

Dynamics in systems of pipes with different movements in its ends

Arnulfo Luévanos-Rojas
Abstract 730 | PDF (Español) Downloads 235

Page 117-144

Binomial tree for option valuation process derived from stochastic autonomous differential equation

Freddy Marín-Sánchez
Abstract 1460 | PDF (Español) Downloads 783

Page 145-170

Light measurement model to assess software development process improvement

Diana Vásquez, César Pardo, César A collazos, Francisco J Pino
Abstract 1371 | PDF (Español) Downloads 469

Page 171-202