Light measurement model to assess software development process improvement

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Diana Vásquez
César Pardo
César A collazos
Francisco J Pino


programming and software engineering, software process improvement (SPI), small and medium enterprises (SME’s), measurement process, peasure podels, indicators.


Companies in software development in Colombia face a number of problems such as the construction of software in a artesian, empirical and disorganized way. Therefore, it is necessary for these companies to implement projects to improve their development processes, because ensure the quality of products, by improving their software processes, is a step that should give to be able to compete in the market. To implement process improvement models, it is not enough to say whether a company is actually getting benefits, definitely one of the first actions in a to improvement project is to be able to determine the current status of the process. Only by measuring it is possible to know the state of a process in an objective ay, and only through this it is possible to plan strategies and solutions, about improvements to make, depending on the objectives of the organization. This paper proposes a light model to assess software development process, which seeks to help the Colombian software development companies to determine whether the process of implementing improvements, being effective in achieving the objectives and goals set to implement this, through the use of measures to evaluate the process of improving their development processes, allowing characterize the current practices of the company, identifying weaknesses, strengths and abilities of the processes that are carried out within this and thus control or prevent the causes of low quality, or deviations in costs or planning.

MSC: 68Uxx, 68Nxx


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