Design and construction of an instrumented meteorological tethersonde

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Wilfrido Gutiérrez L.
Manuel García E.
Victor O. Magaña R.
Jorge A. Escalante G.


tethersonde, boundary layer.


Observations of the planetary boundary layer are essential for in numerical weather prediction. However, such observations are usually expensive, which makes them inaccessible for a majority of projects. Therefore, the need of less expensive instruments for boundary layer measurements has led to the design and construction of an instrumented meteorological captive balloon comparable with various existing systems such as radiosondes, wind profilers, SODARS, or commercial tethersondes, among others. Lower cost instruments open the possibility of obtaining more quality data, useful for atmospheric processes studies and in numerical weather prediction activities. This paper describes the design of a low cost tethersonde useful in maintaining the continuous monitoring of boundary layer for processes studies and weather prediction. The viability of the instrument has been shown in meteorological field campaigns on board of an oceanographic vessel.

PACS: 92.60.Wc, 92.60.Ry, 92.60.-e


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