
A simulated annealing algorithm for the robust decomposition of temporal horizons in production planning problems

José Fidel Torres Delgado, Mario César Vélez Gallego
Abstract 786 | PDF (Español) Downloads 911

Page 7-27

Design and construction of an instrumented meteorological tethersonde

Wilfrido Gutiérrez L., Manuel García E., Victor O. Magaña R., Jorge A. Escalante G.
Abstract 1078 | PDF (Español) Downloads 933

Page 29-42

Application to visualize an ontology for the human semen analysis domain

Esmeralda Ramos, Yimmy Pereira, Haydemar Núñez, Marcel Castro, Roberto Casañas
Abstract 903 | PDF (Español) Downloads 598

Page 43-66

System of acquisition of information for measurement of radioelectric parameters in linear antennas in the band of VHF and UHF’s television

Willer Ferney Montes Granada, María del Pilar Celemín
Abstract 1182 | PDF (Español) Downloads 834

Page 87-110

Error Model in Wavelet-compressed Images

Jairo Villegas G., Gloria Puetamán G., Hernán Salazar E.
Abstract 575 | PDF (Español) Downloads 290

Page 111-133

Implementation of the parametric representation of the Fourier transform in fabrics

L. J. Cárdenas, L. E. Cifuentes, Yezid Torres Moreno, J. Escofet, María Sagrario Millán García-Varela
Abstract 813 | PDF (Español) Downloads 360

Page 135-144