A simulated annealing algorithm for the robust decomposition of temporal horizons in production planning problems
Abstract 786 | PDF (Español) Downloads 911Page 7-27
Design and construction of an instrumented meteorological tethersonde
Abstract 1078 | PDF (Español) Downloads 933Page 29-42
Application to visualize an ontology for the human semen analysis domain
Abstract 903 | PDF (Español) Downloads 598Page 43-66
Some improper integrals with integration infinity limit involving generalizad hypergeometric function 2R1(a, b; c; τ ; z)
Abstract 1944 | PDF (Español) Downloads 575Page 67-85
System of acquisition of information for measurement of radioelectric parameters in linear antennas in the band of VHF and UHF’s television
Abstract 1182 | PDF (Español) Downloads 834Page 87-110
Error Model in Wavelet-compressed Images
Abstract 575 | PDF (Español) Downloads 290Page 111-133
Implementation of the parametric representation of the Fourier transform in fabrics
Abstract 813 | PDF (Español) Downloads 360Page 135-144