Application to visualize an ontology for the human semen analysis domain

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Esmeralda Ramos
Yimmy Pereira
Haydemar Núñez
Marcel Castro
Roberto Casañas


ontology, ontology visualization, Methontology, Protégé, human semen.


The following work presents the design and implementation of an ontology for human semen analysis whose objective is to present, organize, formalize and standardize the domain knowledge, in order to be shared and reused by different groups of people and software applications. To visualize this ontology, a Web application based on a client/server architecture was developed, which is constituted by an administration and a public access module. The ontology web site is maintained throughout the administration module whereas the public access module allows users to access the stored knowledge and a group of resources such as images, videos, domain related articles, tutorials and laboratory protocols. The proposed architecture facilitates the observation and recovering of complex knowledge structures as well as the navigation and administration of the information presented in the ontology. The approach used for the design of the information retrieval mechanisms is oriented to both expert and inexpert users. This functionality is of special interest given the heterogeneous of the audience towards this ontology is oriented which includes, among others, health sciences students and professionals. Methontology methodology was selected in order to develop this ontology, using Protégé editor for its implementation.

PACS: 07.05.Rm, 07.05.Pj, 07.05.Tp

MSC: 68Txx, 68Uxx


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