System of acquisition of information for measurement of radioelectric parameters in linear antennas in the band of VHF and UHF’s television

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Willer Ferney Montes Granada
María del Pilar Celemín


linear antenna, system of automatic laying, bands of VHF and UHF, radioelectric level of intensity of electric field, parameters, pattern of radiation.


This project develops a data acquisition and processing system for measuring and adjusting lineal-antenna radioelectric parameters in VHF and UHF. Television signals are used as test signal. They can be found in radio electric spectrum, as they come from commercial transmitters that broadcast signals of national channels. The achieved receptor includes a television commercial tuner for obtaining video signal. Later, this signal is conditioning to be read from a personal computer through the serial port. A software developed under Visual Basic 6.0 process the acquired data by an A/D converter of the one microcontroller PIC. At the same time, the microcontroller controls the antenna positioning mechanism. The mentioned blocks form a system for determining the optimal antenna orientation for maximum signal reception, automatically. Also, this system determines antenna’s parameters such as radiation pattern in both horizontal plane and vertical plane, maximum directive gain, gain on each point of the principal plane. Others parameters necessary to a real lineal antennas analysis are take into account as well.

PACS: 84.40.Ba

MSC: 93C85


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