Questions on the logic of the argumentation

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Raúl Gómez-Marín


non–classical logics, argumentation, rule, validity.


In the argumentative theory field is usually said that the logic has not the necessary elements to found the logical bases for the most relevant arguments in use in the juridical, political, and human theories, even the scientific ones. If the term “logic” refers only to the classical logic, of course, the author agrees. But if one takes into account the contributions of the families of non–classical logics, the author does not believe relevant to state categorically that.One can understand why the question that guides this research is the following:Given a theory which has some pretension of objectivity, is it possible to find a“non–classical logical system” having the elements and the structure necessary to model its underlying logic? In this research, it is offered a intermediate answer: yes, it is possible, because the “non–classical logical system” open a way to research the foundation of pragmatic reason. And, no, it is not possible, because it is recognized that in a rational argument are used rules that are not purely logical.

MSC: 03Axx, 03B60,


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