Estimation of software projects: a practical case

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Gabriela Salazar-B


measurements, estimation, planning, software engineering.


This article describes a methodology to estimate and plan software projects,as well as the experience in the estimation processes. This experience was realized with the participation of undergraduate students of the Software Engineering course at the university of Costa Rica computer science school. This course focuses on software engineering methodologies, techniques and tools and the students implement a practical project. To estimate the duration of their projects, they use the Function Points technique to measure the size of the application. Afterwards they apply different estimation techniques of the duration to plan their projects. The collected information from this investigation shows the certitude of the applied estimation techniques, when comparing the estimated duration against real duration in two important life cycle milestones (the beginning and the end of the project). The described points in this article can interest leaders, professors, and instructors that want to form future software engineers in the area of software project estimation and planning.

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