Oxidación fotocatalítica de aguas residuales de la industria de lavandería utilizando TiO2 como catalizador y luz UV1

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Edison Gil Pavas


Advanced oxidation processes, photocatalysis, photo-oxidation, COD, waste-water, UV, titanium dioxide.


The catalytic photodegradation of the waste water of the laundry industry in a Parabolic Composite Cylinder (PCC) photo-reactor is studied in this work. The technology of pho-tocatalysis was used with artificial sources of radiation (lamps UV) and TiO2 as catalyst. The study was with Industrial waste water with the objective to begin to carry out an investigation with real liquid effluents and not with prepared synthetic mixtures in the laboratory, since what it looks for with this project it is to take a first step towards the use of these new technologies on industrial scale. The experimental results were process statistically by model of response surface. The concentration of catalyst, pH and the recirculation time were the parameters that affected the final concentration of COD, variable of response. The degradation obtained was 26.49% without H2O2 and 41.8%. with addition of H2O2.

PACS: 81.16.Hc, 89.60.-k, 92.20.Ny


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