Three-Dimensional Geometric Model for Rock Masses from Photographs and the Octave Program: Cantera Santa Rita, Medellín, Colombia

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Ludger O. Suarez-Burgos
Alvaro J. Castro-Caicedo


Computer vision, epipolar geometry, discontinuity orientation, rock mass


The present article exposes the procedure to achieve the three-dimensional geometric model of a rock mass from a pair of photographic shots made with a current camera, use of free/open software such as Octave and other free libraries, construction of equipment and simple tools and the appropriation of important knowledge in artificial vision. It is described taking as an example the three-dimensional model of a blast cut of the rock mass of the Santa Rita Quarry, located southwest of the city of Medellín (Colombia). Finally, it is shown by a validation, based on field measurements, that the procedure described here is promising so that it can be established as a tool for the geometric characterization of discontinuities of rock mass. 


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