Study Experimental and Numerical Simulations of the Micro-hardness Tests in AL-FE alloy in Different Laser Beam Scanning

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Moises Meza Pariona


Laser surface remelting, microstructural characteristics, FEG-EDS, micro-hardness, modeling indentation, FEM


In the Al–2.0 wt.%Fe alloy the laser surface remelting (LSR) treatment was executed to investigate the treated and untreated layers areas, at different laser beam scanning, among them, 80, 100 and 120 mm/s, to respect, was presented and discussed about microstructural characteristics using the FEG and EDS techniques, and numerical experiments of pyramidal indentations of the LSR-treated systems were conducted using the FEM method. In the sample-treated cross-sectional area, the microstructure presented a columnar growth characteristic, a lot of nano-porosities and large size of the molten pool geometry in low laser beam scanning, however, in high laser beam scanning, the microstructure consisted of a cellular arrangement or fine-grained microstructure, the nano-porosities concentration and the molten pool geometry are slightly decreased. Besides, the micro-hardness in the LSR-treated area increased slightly as a function of increase of the laser beam scanning, but, the micro-hardness was much higher than the untreated sample. Meanwhile, modeling of indentation on COMSOL of the LSR-treatment by finite element method of the micro-hardness was successfully calculated. Therefore, a good agreement was found between experimental and simulated data.


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