The Notions of Center, Commutator and Inner Isomorphism for Groupoids

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Jesús Ávila
Víctor Marín


Groupoid, normal subgroupoid, normalizer, center, commutator, inner isomorphisms


In this paper we introduce some algebraic properties of subgroupoids and normal subgroupoids. we define other things, we define the normalizer of a wide subgroupoid H of a groupoid G and show that, as in the case of groups, this normalizer is the greatest wide subgroupoid of G in which H is normal. Furthermore, we provide definitions of the center Z(G) and the commutator G' of the groupoid G and prove that both of them are normal subgroupoids. We give the notions of inner and partial isomorphism of G and show that the groupoid I(G) given by the set of all the inner isomorphisms of G is a normal subgroupoid of A(G), the set of all the partial isomorphisms of G. Moreover, we prove that I(G) is isomorphic to the quotient groupoid G/Z(G), which extends to groupoids the corresponding well-known result for groups. 


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