An approach from the Theory of Situational Action to the excessive use of force by members of the police

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Sandy Vera Giraldo


Situational Action Theory, the use of excessive force/policy brutality, personal morals, moral education, the Colombian National Policy, protests


The use of excessive force by police officers can be explained by the Situational Action Theory. This theory posits that crime results from the interaction between criminal propensity and criminogenic environment. This interaction occurs in the perception-choice process, in which a moral filter emerges determining intentional action or omission options perceived by people as viable and acceptable. This filter has as its essential basis personal morals that depend on moral education. This article outlines basic aspects of the Theory and applies them to understand police education, especially in the Colombian National Police. Finally, it shows how this education may have influenced personal morals and, thus, the filter that determined the perception-selection process’ outcome of the police officers involved in homicides during the 9S protests.


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