CRM approach. Customer perceptions about academic administrative processes and their value added

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Joseph Robert Voelkl Peñaloza
Jorge Alberto Silva Rueda
Clara Mabel Solano Vanegas
Luis Manuel Pulido Moreno


interaction points, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), student relationship management, value added analysis, lean thinking and CRM


A method to improve positive perception towards administrative services in a superior education program, Industrial Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá D.C., in its different processes and throughout all its areas is studied. Critical moments of the program are identified as points where value is added to the service. The method applies process analysis tools (control documentation matrix, business activity mapping, service blueprinting) and an expectation diagnostic and value added identification methodology using the CRM approach. With the results, information gathering instruments were developed, which can be applied to each customer profile in the future. Specific variables were considered for future quantitative evaluation, thus allowing the establishment of improvement opportunities in all areas using the Lean approach.


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