Proposition of a methodology for the dynamic analysis of pile foundation systems

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Rodrigo Osorio Mora
Carlos Andrés Cano Martínez
Juan Fernando Mesa
Ricardo González Williamson


Dynamic elasticity module, Pile, Inertial analysis, Sock absorption, Kinematics analysis, Rigidity matrix, Mud flow, Foundations


Due to the existing uncertainties on traditional practice for dynamic analysis of piles foundation systems, EAFIT University carried out a research denominated Proposal of a methodology for the obtaining of dynamic ground parameters in zones of difficult conditions (slopes), with the purpose of studying the dynamic response of a pile with different diameters in three different geotechnical profi les located in the South Eastern slope of the city of Medellín (Colombia), although in this article only appears the results obtained in one of the three profi les studied, and therefore proposing a simplified design methodology for the determination of the adapted pile diameter to the imposed requirements. The development of the research covered, particularly, the characterization of the behavior - tension deformation of ground under cyclical requirements in the cyclical three-dimensional equipment under controlled effort.


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