A Generalized Model and Control for Supermagnetic and Supercapacitor Energy Storage

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Walter Julián Gil González http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7609-1197
Alejandro Garcés
Andrés Escobar Mejía


Electric energy storage systems, superconducting magnetic energy storage, EESS, SMES., linear matrix inequality, LMI, supercapacitor energy storage, SCES, superconducting magnetic energy storage, SMES


This paper presents a generalized linear model based on LMI state-feedback with integral action, applicable to the control of Electric Energy Storage Systems (EESS) such as Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
(SMES) and Supercapacitor Energy Storage (SCES). A Voltage Source Converter (VSC) and a Pulse-Width modulated Current Source Converter (PWM-CSC) are respectively used to integrate the SCES and the SMES
systems to the electrical distribution system. To represent the dynamics between the EESS and the power distribution system a reduced general linear model in the state-space representation is introduced. The proposed control scheme regulates independently the active and reactive power ow between the EESS and ac the grid. Three case scenarios comparing a conventional PI controller and the proposed technique are conducted considering grid voltage uctuations. Extensive time-domain simulations demonstrate the robustness and proper performance of the proposed controller to operate the EESS as power compensator, in order to improve the operative conditions of electrical distribution systems. 


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