Colombia´s challenges in APEC

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Adriana Roldán Pérez
Camilo Pérez



APEC is the main economic cooperation forum in the Asia Pacific region, and as such, it is of great importance for Colombia considering that becoming a member would diversify trade, increase investment and facilitate the access of the country to new technologies. To become an APEC member, Colombia must undertake important challenges. Inside APEC´s dynamics there are many factors that influence its future. Among them are the expansion dilemma, the definition of APEC’s meetings topics, the new Asian system architecture and the Free Trade Agreements proliferation among its economies. Colombia has to take into consideration its Latin American neighbors’ experiences and learn from their good choices and problems in the region. Based on the experience of Mexico, Chile and Peru, Colombia should substantially improve its infrastructure, increase its institutional presence in the region, look for alliances with relevant partners in order to increase the Free Trade Agreements and integrate the private sector, the academy and the government in the Asia Pacific insertion process.


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