About the Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Liliana López Lopera
Frequency: biannual
DOI: 10.17230/co-herencia
ISSN: 1794-5887
e-ISSN: 2539-1208
Co-herencia is a half-yearly journal published since 2004 by the Humanities Department at Universidad EAFIT. Its purpose is to disclose findings generated by investigations, theoretical reflections, specialized debates, translacions, essays, and critical reviews on topics related to humanistic studies in general, and associated with literature, philosophy and history. Co-herencia is directed towards professors, researchers, students, and scholars within the disciplines or knowledge areas which comprise the ample spectrum of humanistic studies, but also to other readers with an affinity for the scholarly topics compiled in each volume. Its purpose is to be a forum of interdisciplinary discussion and a space for dialogue among peers on the contributions of humanities in determining a thinking and deliberating community.
Philosophy, history, hermeneutics, literature, politics, phenomenology, aesthetics, musicology, history of music, reviews, ethics, language, justice, criticism, novel, conflict, ideology, liberalism, democracy, Colombia, science, discourse, argumentation, narrative, memory, modernity, violence, art, poetry, nationalism.
Abstracting & Indexing (A&I) Databases
Co-herencia helps to promote your article through active partnerships with abstracting and indexing (A&I) providers including:
CSA (Sociological Abstracts) | DOAJ (Directory of Open Acces Journals) | Fuente académica (EBSCO) | GOOGLE Scholar | Índice Bibliográfico Nacional-Publindex (Colciencias-Colombia Categoría A2) | Redalyc (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal) | SciELO Colombia (Scientific Electronic Library Online) | Scopus | Web of Science - Arts and Humanities Citation Index.
Peer Review Process
Each one of the articles received is subjected to a two-step revision (double blind peer review) and selection process : internal by one of the members of the Editorial Board who will evaluate the originality and pertinence of the article. Subsequently an anonymous referee will consider the scientific worth, structure, basis, use of sources, and conceptual rigor of the potential article. Within the four months following the submittal of the text, the author will be notified of the evaluation process results.
Papers must be prepared for anonymous review, with revealing acknowledgements and self-identifying references removed. Papers not prepared for anonymous refereeing will not be read. Submissions must not have been published in part or whole, or be under consideration elsewhere.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Co-herencia authorizes sharing and adapting articles and comments according to Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Articles are the sole responsibility of their authors, and will not compromise EAFIT’s University principles or policies nor those of the Editorial Board of the journal Co-herencia. Authors authorize and accept the transfer of all rights to the journal, both for its print and electronic publication. After an article is published, it may be reproduced without previous permission of the journal but the author(s), year, title, volume, number, range of pages of the publication and DOI must be mentioned. In addition, Co-herencia must be mentioned as the source.
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
Co-herencia does not have article processing charges (APCs). This journal is sponsored entirely by the Universidad EAFIT.
Code of Ethics
Co-herencia subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) . The following reasons are grounds for immediate rejection of a manuscript:
- Multiple submission
- Simultaneous submissions
- Plagiarism
- Deliberate use of false or inaccurate data
- Impersonation and Defamation
- Falsification of information and documentation
- Disclosure and conflicts of interest
More information: http://publicaciones.eafit.edu.co/index.php/co-herencia/Code
Errors in published works
When an error or inaccuracy is discovered by authors in their published work, it is their obligation to promptly notify the journal editor (Co-herencia@eafit.edu.co) and cooperate with the correction. Likewise, the reviewers and readers may send us, via email, comments and suggestions intended to improve our publication.
Plagiarism detection
Co-herencia uses the Turnitin software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.
Information updated October 3, 2018.