Between reality and fiction : literary ekphrasis in Pedro Gómez Valderrama´s “El engañoso cuadro”

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Pedro Antonio Agudelo Rendón


Literary ekphrasis, History, Mazepa, Gómez Valderrama, Pedro 1923-1992, Romanticism, Colombian authors.


A panoramic exam toward Pedro Gómez Valderrama´s literary work, suggest a sporadic reference to the visual art. However a detailed assessment of it allows us to perceive that the writer set out in his writings a genuine look on the road to the art considering the relation among history-literature. This article expound an analysis of one of his stories in which it is possible to identify with clarity the artistic topic by means of literary ekphrasis. Thus, the paint of Mazepa it is referred and the way how the writer plays with the mythic ambiguity of the real character, making the most of both the historical aspect, the romantic nature of the pictorial and the literary construction.


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