Dasein and self-appropriation: time as a constituent of our reality

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Felipe Alberto Johnson Muñoz http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6063-9322


Care, temporality, Dasein, phenomenology, Heidegger.


This paper aims to discuss the phenomenon of human existence, which Heidegger called ‘Dasein’, in close connection with the problem of the constitution of reality. For this purpose, the real is construed as a multiplicity of entities daily life has to deal with. In this regard, the paper suggests that this multiplicity does not pertain to the perceived as such, but rather results from the structure of sense-perception. Based on Heidegger’s references to Kantian philosophy and through own examples, the paper will highlight the transcendental moments of sensibility: space and time, up until its last deployment stage, care (Sorge), as Dasein’s Being. Thus, by understanding care in its temporal sense, the paper will state that the real as such originates in the future that pertains to existence itself. Based on the above, this study will assert that ‘Dasein’ can be considered as disclosedness (Erschlossenheit) or un-concealment of our reality.


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