question of habits.

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Teobaldo Noriega


Sor Juana, Spanish-American Colonial Culture, Transvestism, Masking


This work represents a major achievement as part of his production, characterized by an intelligent and playful use of language, resting on well controlled discursive strategies which transform the reader into an active participant in the fictive game. Cuestión de hábitos enters the unique world of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, and shows the vicissitudes of the Mexican poet and dramatist whose high sensibility and intelligence make her the victim of a fanaticized religious orthodoxy. This analysis demonstrates, however, that the text is also a good example of the deceptive capacity of language to codify reality: the transvestism practised by key characters in the story narrated/staged is mirrored by the transvestism or masking of the writing itself. question of habits thus confirms the most significant characteristics of Moreno-Durán’s poetics.


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