Tulio Restrepo: Campo Abierto / Espacio en tránsito

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Jorge Lopera


Colombian art, contemporary art, image, urban space, dystopia


The work of the artist Tulio Restrepo (Medellín, 1958), shares a trait with local artistic production  which has been present since at least the 1970s: the attempt to form an image of the city and the urban in a rapidly changing context, which is hazardous and propitiates anonymity. This paper reviews the series Campo Abierto / Espacio en tránsito (Open field/space in transit), included in this issue of Co-herencia, a set of 20 digitally produced images where subjects about the anonymous condition of pedestrians in the urban space, surveillance and security, visual codes or the fragility of experiences for those who get around the city coexist. To do this, this paper discusses some theories about urbanism in the 1960s and examines the context
in which the artistic production of Tulio Restrepo is produced. 


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