Body: an ambiguous sort of being. Approach toward philosophy of body in Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology

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Cruz Elena Espinal Pérez


Meleau-Ponty, phenomenal body, perception, subject of perception, temporality, being-in-the-world, phenomenology, intentionality, subjectivity, experience


This work is an approximation to the philosophy of body starting from Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception. Based on the concept of phenomenal body, we find a conception of body depicted as an ambiguous sort of being. The following sections are developed: the bodily experience: perception and object, the phenomenal body and the experience of space, temporality: retention and propensity, being-in-the-world and body as expressive space. So, from the experience of the own’s body and against the idea of a subject who owns himself through self-understanding, it is shown how the boundaries between subject and object, activity and passivity, interiority and exteriority or spirit and nature vanish in the ambiguity of the body and the existence.


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