El crimen del arte
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Judicial chronicle, Murder, Cadaver-Art-Crime, Art rituals, Dead rituals, Inmages, Presence, Body-Space, Corporal fluids
In our time dramatizations on death have been staged by old stamp funeral rituals, for stories and also images about deads, and recently for unholy meaningless deeds unknown until the contemporary world. Sucesos Sensacionales (national sensationalist weekly publication published from 1954 up to 1976) stands out like a privileged expression among the narratives on deads. The bodies are exhibited and they become entertainment. Thereby, this vein opened up by the judicial chronicle sensationalism it is now recaptured by the current art which is utterly obsessed for the living body and the corpse. Art is exposing them in all the possible ways, appealing to forbidden images, those that short time ago, the Modernity wanted them to remain out of sight, hidden to the eye.
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