Considerations About a Good Life Under the Scope of Academic Productivism

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Xiomara Orrego Zuluaga
Isabella Builes Roldán


Academic life, academic productivism, craftsmanship, enjoyment, good life, resonance


In this article we intend to participate in the problematization of academic productivism and the proposal of a good life in the academy. We understand academic productivism as an orientation of academic work given by the valuation of limited profitability and tangible results thereof; and the good life in the academy as a state of balance between the forces and needs of those who compose it, a balance available to be constantly updated. We start from the different damages that academic productivism entails, regarding which we present a proposal to favor the good life in the academy, where we return to the perspectives of various authors who focus on elements such as: good craftsmanship, enjoyment, the resonance and care of oneself, of others and of the world.


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