Box-Behnken design for optimizing the acid blue dye adsorption on flower wastes

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Ana Cristina Jaramillo Madrid
Ana Maria Echavarria
Angelina Hormaza


Adsorption, Removal of dyes, Acid blue 9, Alternative adsorbents, Adsorption on Surfaces, Response surface designs.


In this paper we identified the best conditions for the removal of Acid Blue 9 dye (AB9) using ower wastes (FW) as an adsorbent were determined using a full factorial 23 and a Box-Behnken design for further optimization. Adsorbent dose (D), dye concentration (C) and contact time (t), were the assessed variables. The dye content was quantied by UV-Vis spectrometry. The statistical model presented an adequate adjustment coecient (R2 = 99,18%), allowing to achieve a removal of 98,5% with a dosage of 7,8 gL-1, dye concentration of 7,11 mgL-1 and contact time of 104 min. These results suggest that owers wastes are an alternative and potential adsorbent material for the treatment of dissolved acid dyes. 

PACS: 68.43.-h

MSC: 62K20


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