Design and Construction of a Mechatronic Reactor for the Growth of Thin Films by the Dip Coating Technique

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A A Velásquez
J P Urquijo
Y Gutiérrez


Dip coating reactor, mechatronic system, thin films, automation.


The design and construction of an automated mechatronic system for the growth of thin films by the dip coating technique is presented. The system consists of a substrate-holder, which performs vertical movements between two adjustable positions. The movement of the substrate holder is controlled by a transmission belt driven by a direct current motor. The ends of the motion of the substrate-holder are sensed by micro-switches placed at the ends of the motion interval. The acquisition of the signal coming from the micro-switches, as well as the generation of the control signal for the motor are performed by a data acquisition card USB 6353rfrom National Instruments. From a graphic interface developed in LabVIEWr, the user can program all parameters of the reactor, among them the immersion and extraction velocities of the substrates and the drying time. Details on the construction and operation tests of the system are described.

PACS: 81.15.-z, 84.30.r


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