Graphic Interface Implementation for Studying Magnetotransport Properties in Bilayers of Manganites Type Perovskite

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Elisabeth Restrepo Parra
Hector Silvio Barco Ríos
Edilberto Rojas calderon


resistivity, magnetoresistance, monte carlo, manganites, critical points.


In this work, a study of some magnetotransport properties of manganite bilayers of ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic (FM/AF) La2=3Ca1=3MnO3/ La1=3Ca2=3MnO3 is presented. This study was carries out using the Monte Carlo method combined with Drude and Kronig-Penney models. For doing the simulations, graphic interfaces for allowing a suitable user interaction were developed. These interfaces also allow observing the simulation processes in real time. Results of resistivity and magnetoresistance as a function on the temperature and the external magnetic field were obtained. The resistivity depending on the temperature presented a minimum around the canted temperature and a maximum around the Curie temperature, TC. A decrease in the resistivity and an increase in the magnetoresistance as the external magnetic field increases were observed. On the other hand, resistivity as a function on the temperature showed symmetry for positive and negative values of the external magnetic field. Moreover, at low temperatures, below TC, the resistivity presented a splitting, producing two maxima and forming hysteresis loops.

PACS:02.70.Uu,75.70.Cn, 28.41.Ak, 75.47.Lx, 75.47.Gk


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