Influence of Tribological Parameters on Coefficient of Friction between Polypropylene and Skin

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J J Pavón Palacio
J A Villarraga Ossa
D F Tobon Espinosa


friction, finite element, skin, transfemoral amputees, sockets.


Data were acquired over the surface topology for amputees transfermorales sockets using an atomic force microscope (AFM),the tribulogical properties of 12 significant areas were characterized. Based on these data are created virtual surfaces sinusoidal geometry area of 250 microns, the which were used to perform a numerical simulation to find what was the relationship between these parameters and the coefficient of friction between the polypropylene Socket and skin. Skin was modeled as hyper-elastic material and polypropylene as a linear elastic material, were imposed initial displacement contact and a tangential displacement of the samples to calculate the coefficient of friction, in addition, pressure was applied to the top of polypropylene specimens that simulate the pressures generated by the footwear of the prosthesis and the forces generated during the stance phase of human walking. Was found that a correlation exists between the tribological parameters and the coefficient of friction, on which there are two main areas, one, where the friction coefficient decreases as these parameters increase, and a second region where the friction coefficient remains constant.



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