Integral evaluation process for obtaining pectin and essential oil

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Ivonne Cerón-Salazar
Carlos Cardona-Alzate


Orange peel, essential oil, pectin, simulation, extraction.


In this paper, an alternative for essential oil and pectin extraction from orange peel (Citrus sinensis) as an integral process was presented. The extraction units were simulated using commercial simulator software for real process conditions. Experimental tests were carried out with a kilogram of orange peel with the same conditions used in of the simulation with the aim of comparing the experimental and calculated yields. Subsequently, the process was scaled to 1000 kg. Advantages of the integrated process and its possibilities of implementation at industrial level were showed. Moreover, it was concluded that simulation techniques are powerful tools that allows minimizing time, costs and experimentation in the design of processes such as essential oil extraction and pectin extraction.

PACS: 82.80.Bg, 88.20.ft


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