Influence of processing parameters on micro-perforated with ultrashort pulses

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S Ceballos P
P Moreno
A García


ablation, micromachining, ultrashort laser pulses, helical drilling optics.


In this work, ultra short laser pulses (110 fs, 1 kHz; up to 1.1 mJ/pulse) were used for micromachining steel samples. Processing with ultra-short laser
pulses allowed achieving circular micro holes, with precise measurements and no signi cant chemical or mechanical disruption of adjacent areas. The heli-
cal drilling optics system by TGSW-Stuttgart is used to generate the holes.
This system allowed producing high aspect ratio and complex structures with variable diameter throughout the hole. To did this, up to three processing pa-
rameters may be changed at the same time (beam rotation speed, angle and of the beam) and during the processing. We study the influence of the laser
wavelength on the holes geometry. Speci c optics for both the fundamental ( = 790nm) and second harmonic wavelength ( = 395nm) were used to
microstructure steel, comparing the results. From the study we can conclude that there arent advantage when using the second harmonic. Weaknesses in
the experimental device had been detected, to nd the solution at this topics allow precisely evaluate the influence of wavelength.

PACS: 79.20.Eb


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