Proteasas alcalinas de una cepa nativa de Bacillus sp Alcalofílico

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A. Sáez Vega


Bacillus, proteases, enzymes.


The effect of four nitrogen sources on the enzymatic activity of alkaline proteases from a wild strain of Alkalophilic Bacillus sp cultivated to different concentrations from CSL (Corn Steep Liquor). was evaluated. The growth of the strain is not affected by pH of inoculation of 7,0, 8,5 and 9,5, in contrast to the enzymatic activity and true protein production, that had their better results to initial pH of 8,5. To this initial pH of 8,5; two organic nitrogen sources (yeast extract and peptone) and two inorganic ones were evaluated (NH4Cl and NaNO3). With peptone the best enzymatic activity to a relation appeared to molar C/N between 1 and 2 was found. For the studied interval of % CSL (0,5 to 2% p/v) the concentration of the CSL does not affect the enzymatic activity.

PACS: 87.17.Uv


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